Just a generic AI shooter.


WASD to Move

E to Check Stats


The AI chooses its decisions based on pick randoms. For example, if there is an upgrade, it will do a pick random 1/2, if it is one, it will go for the upgrade.


⬆️➡️⬇️⬅️ arrows to enable HACKER AI

It took about 8 hours to make.


Update Log:

2/17/24 v0.2: Fixed AI Code(Again)/Menu Screen Update/New Music

v0.1: Added New Upgrades/Fixed AI Code

v0: Added Smart Dodger/Thumbnail

First Made on Scratch: 8/22/23


In-Depth Update Log:

2/17/24: Changed the menu screen from answering a question to clicking a button because it is confusing for some people to decide on the custom AI difficulty. But, if you liked the old menu screen, you can click Advanced. The AI code was buggy again, so I fixed the choosings by giving them the same chance of getting picked.

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